Our team

Maxim Borisovich Sharov
General Director
In 2006-2017 worked in senior positions at Magnezit Plant OJSC.
Since 2017, Project Manager at Magnezit Group LLC.
11.06.2022 was appointed General Director of Far Eastern Graphite LLC
Graduated from the Magnitogorsk State Technical University. G.I. Nosov in 1999

Аnton Mikhailovich Kovalyov
Technical Director
From 2008 till 2011 worked in the Department of Mineral and Raw Materials Base Development of Magnezit Group and was engaged in the questions of modernization of the Ore-Dressing and Processing Enterprise of the JSC «Коmbinat Маgnezit». From 2003 till 2008 occupied different positions at the ore-dressing and processing enterprise of the JSC «Коmbinat Маgnezit».
Graduated in 2003 from the Magnitogorsk State Technical University of the Name of Nosov G.I.

Andrii Viktorovich Misiutynskyi
Chief Engineer
More than 19 years of work experience at the enterprises of graphite industry. From 2006 till 2011 held position of the chief engineer at the JSC «Zavalyevski Graphite Integrated Works» (settlement Zavalya, Ukraine). From 1996 till 2006 worked as head of the workshop for chemical processing of graphite and of the workshop of colloidal-graphite preparations at the JSC «Zavalyevski Graphite Integrated Works», implemented program of modernization of the concentrating mill of the graphite integrated works.
Graduated in 2005 from Dnepropetrovsk State Mining University and in 1996 from Odessa Polytechnic Institute.